Boys and Men Friends from Pakistan - find love, friendship, sex

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1-5 out of 65 friends


54 years old man from Pakistan (Karachi)


Hobbies: poetry, music, cooking


About me: i am caring honest and want honest friend also , i dont like cheating or lying in any relation or esp in friendship, so if some one who think who is really sincere and honest she is become my friend, i am sure that i found good and honest friend,soon


32 years old man from Pakistan (Lahore)


Hobbies: chatting playing cricket


About me: my name is umair butt i am 17 years old and i find a good friend for a friendship on mobile bfl gfhdgflhkdg gjkgfjdglhj gs hghjsgfjdshgfks gjfgdsjgfjdshg jshggfjhsgfhjgdsfhjdsg ksgfgdjhgfhjdsg jhgsjhgfdsjhgfhjdsgfjdshg jhgjshgfhjsgfhjdgfhjdsgfhjdsgfhjdsgfbvcmvb bdmnbvxmvmnvbxcmn bvmnxbvmncbvmncvbmn xmnvbnvmbvmnbcvmn bxmnbvnbvvmnbcmn bmnvbcmnvbcvmnbcvmn bxcnvbnb mnbvmnbvmnvbmxncvbmn xbvmnbcvmnbcvmnbxc mnvbxmncbvmnvbncvmnbxmnb fjgdhjk hjkfhjhdh jkhgjkhfkdjh h jhjk hgfkdghjkd hkhfdgh jkdhgjkhjk hkdgjkhvjkfdh jkghfdmnbvxmnbcvmnbxmnbvmn bx bvmnbxcnbv


52 years old man from Pakistan (ISLAMABAD)


Hobbies: watching movies, wrestling, cricket, football


About me: AOA

I am looking here decent female (who is married or unmarried..) it does not matter at all. Please contact me if you really want to have hangout and friendship with outstanding male who is also looking for the lady / girl who is at same par of my personality.I m working and looking for a lady / girl who is interested in friendship or more. Really if you are da one yo,u can contact me .. i am not interested in fake females please because i hate to waste my time on fake replies to fake emails.
add me on

I would definitely reply as soon as i will received reply from you in this regards. I do not know the credibility of this channel but i can assure you people about my credibility. Especially foreign return lady and females in islamabad. do contact Decent man


48 years old man from Pakistan (Sialkot)


Hobbies: Soccer, Cricket, Movies, Tea, Coffee,


About me: Only the Serious welcome

Rehan Qaiser

47 years old man from Pakistan (Karachi)


Hobbies: Reading books and make friends


About me: I want to make friends from different countries, but only decent friendship and corresponding nice and healthy knowledge

1-5 out of 65 friends
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